About CoBiz Group Ltd.

CoBiz Group Ltd. is a Canadian company focused on developing international business opportunities using Canadian technologies and services. CoBiz Group Ltd. has a special interest in low impact power business opportunities that assist in economic and health benefits at the community level.

Co Biz GroupCoBiz Group Ltd. believes in a sustainable approach by incorporating environmental protection and community benefits in all business opportunity situations. Business opportunities are assessed based on local employment development potential, sustainable training, acceptable return on community investments, increase in community asset wealth and associated community benefits such as retail, manufacturing and health services.

CoBiz Group Ltd’s key role, through the expertise of the company principals, is to assess a business opportunity integrating environment, government, financial and other business factors and develop the opportunity into an acceptable business model.   This business model is then promoted to interested Canadian companies capable of providing a range of services including financial, technical, and operational expertise.

Once a successful business model is identified and developed for a specific business opportunity then CoBiz Group Ltd. provides management, administration, environmental and community services to assist in the completion of the related business activities from planning to final construction as well as related training services.